The david

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009 | |

Miguel Angel

For me this sculpture is a work of art because, according to Ingarden everyone has their own special way of seeing things and feeling and that's what makes some people a painting, or something is a work of art or not.

In my personal interpretation of this sculpture is like the simulation of a perfect man. He is seeing nothing, like thinking of his future, or past, or concern about something that might happen. This painting represent like strength or spirit. Also represent man trying to conquer a lady with his beauty and his strength. Briefly this picture is a perfect man finding the perfect women. I think this author want to demostrate his feelings, like respect and distress that he lived with a lady and he wants conquer a new person.

I imagine strong and beautiful people when I see this painting I feel something when I can´t describe very well. I put this image because I tried to express my feelings when i take this photography I have a moment of peace when i see it because this painting is peaceful. This picture also represent me, when i think in my future, also i think in my family, in my friends, also i want to go inside me , and look all me feelings about other persons.

My interpretation

I put this picture of a peacock because peacocks use their colorful plumage to conquer the females and the first picture has relation whit the second because I think the sculpture of that person is like trying to impress a woman with her body and he is thinking how do it.

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